
Pocket Square Folds: Choosing the Right One to Suit Your Look for Any Occasion

Pocket Square Folds: Choosing the Right One to Suit Your Look for Any Occasion

In the modern world, are pocket squares a lost art? The distinguished gentleman will be happy to learn they are alive and well. But like any fashion accessory, pocket squares require a bit of care and attention to detail to ensure you're choosing the right one to suit your look.

A pocket square is a small, stylish accessory that can make a big impact on your look. But with so many different ways to fold a pocket square, it can be tough to know which one is right for you. In this blog post, we'll break down four of the most popular pocket square folds and when you should use them.

A Brief History of Pocket Squares

The pocket square has been around for centuries, but it wasn't always used solely for fashion. The pocket square's origins date back to the Crusades when knights would use them to wipe the sweat from their brows.

Over time, the pocket square evolved into a symbol of aristocracy and was often seen as a sign of wealth. In the early 20th century, pocket squares became a staple in men's fashion, and they've been a style must-have ever since.

The Four-Point Fold

The four-point fold is probably the most popular way to fold a pocket square. To do it, fold the pocket square in half diagonally to create a triangle. Then fold the bottom corner up to meet the top corner.

Finally, give the pocket square a quarter turn and tuck it into your breast pocket so that only the tip of the triangle is visible. This is a great option if you want something that's both classic and stylish. It works well with both casual and formal looks.

The Presidential Fold

The presidential fold gets its name from the fact that it's often used by politicians when they're giving speeches or appearing on television. To do this fold, start with a pocket square that's been folded into a triangle. Then, fold the bottom corner up about two-thirds of the way to the top corner.

Once you've done that, take the side corners and tuck them in so they create two smaller triangles. Finally, tuck the entire pocket square into your breast pocket so that only the two triangles are visible. This is a great option if you're looking for something that's both formal and eye-catching.

The One-Point Fold

The one-point fold is probably the easiest way to fold a pocket square. You start with a triangularly-folded pocket square and then tuck it into your breast pocket so that only the point of the triangle is visible. This is a great option if you're looking for something quick and easy but still stylish. It's another look that works well in both casual and formal attire.

The European Fold

The European fold is similar to the one-point fold, but with one key difference: instead of tucking the entire pocket square into your breast pocket, you leave about two inches of fabric hanging out. This gives the European fold a more laid-back look that works well with casual attire.

How to Select the Right Pocket Square

Now that you know how to fold a pocket square, it's time to choose the right one for your look. When selecting a pocket square, there are a few things you'll want to keep in mind.

First, consider the occasion. Are you dressing up for a wedding? Or are you going for a more casual look? The pocket square you choose should be appropriate for the occasion.

Second, think about the colors and patterns of your shirt and tie. You'll want to choose a pocket square that complements the colors and patterns of your ensemble.

And finally, don't be afraid to experiment! Pocket squares are a great way to add a pop of color or pattern to your look. So have fun and experiment with different colors and patterns until you find the perfect one for you.

When to Wear a Pocket Square

Now that you know how to choose the right pocket square, you might be wondering when you should wear one. The answer is: it depends on the occasion.

If you're dressing up for a formal event like a wedding, then you'll want to wear a pocket square. But if you're going for a more casual look, then you can either choose to wear a pocket square or not. It's really up to you.

So if you're ever in doubt, just ask yourself one simple question: does this outfit look better with or without a pocket square? If you can't decide, then try it both ways and see which looks best.

One of the most important things to remember when choosing a pocket square is to make sure it compliments the colors and patterns of your shirt and tie. You don't want your pocket square to clash with your ensemble.

Pocket Square vs. Handkerchief

When it comes to pocket squares, there's one question that always seems to come up: what's the difference between a pocket square and a handkerchief?

Technically, a pocket square is a small piece of fabric that's meant to be tucked into your breast pocket, while a handkerchief is a larger piece of fabric that's meant to be carried in your pocket and used for practical purposes like blowing your nose.

However, in practice, the two terms are often used interchangeably. So whether you call it a pocket square or a handkerchief, it's up to you.

Master Folding a Pocket Square

Choosing the right pocket square fold can be tough, but hopefully, this blog post has made it a little easier for you. There are four main types of folds: the four-point fold, the presidential fold, the one-point fold, and the European fold. Each has its unique look and can be worn with either casual or formal attire.

The next time you're getting dressed for an event, make sure to pick out the perfect pocket square to complete your look! Shop quality pocket squares now and select from the finest fabrics and a wide selection of patterns, colors, and styles.